电影简介: 塔林电影节新导演单元 Japan’s Koji Yamamura, already a renowned artist and animator, brings the international premiere of his feature debut, Dozens of Norths, to our 25th birthday edition of PÖFF. The experimental and existential hand drawn and painted piece, charts a dialogue-free voyage into an alien northern realm: it’s skeletal architecture and chilly inhabitants.
主演:阿旦 , 糖醋里脊 , 诗福
主演:朴璐美 , 钉宫理惠 , 丰口惠美 , 津嘉山正种 , 柴田秀胜
主演:锦鲤 , 刘晴 , 赵双 , 吴楚越 , 阎么么
主演:许子尧 , 唐泽宗 , 陈帅 , 吴凡 , 孙科